Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Literature Review on effective listening in the work place Research Paper

Literature Review on effective listening in the work place - Research Paper Example On the other hand, effective listening help a person to understand the whole things properly and he may not have any doubts over the things which he has listened. An effective listener will clarify his doubt at the time of listening in order to avoid future confusions. This paper analyses three articles on effective listening to understand the importance of effective listening at the workplace to avoid conflicts. The first article reviewed in this paper is the article Listening Effectively published by the Raj Soin College of Business, Wright State University. This article explains Why Effective Listening Matters, What Effective Listening Is, How the Most Skilled Communicators Respond When Listening, Typical Objections to These Effective Listening Techniques, etc. The second article reviewed in this paper is the article 10 Roadblocks to Effective Workplace Listening, on December 18, 2008 by David Wolf, PhD. Advice, Warning, Logical argument, Praise, Reassurance, Philosophizing, Psychoanalyzing, Diverting, Criticizing and Name calling are the ten characteristics required for effective workplace listening according to this article. The third article reviewed in this paper is Better Listening for a Better Workplace written by Julie Sturgeon. This article gives us some tips for improving our listening skills through some real life examples.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Research has found that by listening effectively, you will get more information from the people you manage, you will increase others trust in you, you will reduce conflict, you will better understand how to motivate others, and you will inspire a higher level of commitment in the people you manage (Listening Effectively, n. d). An effective listener always command respect from others. People always keep a strong relationship and build trust with others who listen their problems, worries or opinions carefully. An effective listener always persuades the orator to

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